Lenticular Movement
January - May 2016
1st Street Bridge, Los Angeles, CA
1st Street Bridge, Los Angeles, CA

The project brief is the Center for Architecture and Urban Design in Los Angeles (CALA). The center is envisioned to be a home for all who are interested in architecture, design, and the built environment of Los Angeles, and is required to house programs such as a gallery, library, learning spaces, a lecture hall, and administrative offices. This project is an investigation of the correlation between movement (both pedestrian and vehicular) and views (both into the project and from the project). Situated on a highly unique site along the 1st Street Bridge between Boyle Heights and Arts District, the site inherently presents a strong potential for correlation between the two topics. Structurally, a deformed grid is designed to guide the eyes of visitors towards the views down the Los Angeles River, and also towards the underbelly of the bridge on the lower floor. Formally, the strategic carves are also designed to enforce the forced perspective on the visitors, guiding their focus into the banks of the river which is often overlooked. Programmatically, being situated along the bridge, the programs are organized linearly. Programs are categorized with a linear circulation with a defined start and a clear end. Materially, the street facade is inspired by the idea of the lenticular effect; how different directions of movement can produce a spectrum of experiences for visitors.

Upper Floor Plan

Lower Floor Plan

Section AA

Section BB

Section CC